P.F.Y.T. #7: React Reuse and Recycle

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TheSpiderManager's avatar
-Penny For Your Thoughts: React, Reuse, and Recycle - The FineBros Controversy

Oooooh boy....The internet sure doesn't skip a beat when it comes to news like this. I guess in a world filled with a bunch of assholes, at least we can agree there are some sensible people on the internet.

So for those of you who have been living under a Dwayne Johnson (Get it because he's known as "The Rock"?), The internet; or Youtube rather, has been going through a hellstorm and not in a good way. The instigators this time, however, are none other than the FineBros. For those of you who don't know, they are the ones responsible for "Kids React", "Elders React", "Youtubers React", etc. For those who are fans, get ready because after this, you won't be.

So what's going on? The FineBros have announced that they want to start a licensing business or whatever called "ReactWorld". Now I'm not going to get too technical with the information about this (Feel free to watch their video about it), but essentially this means they want to put a license over reaction videos and what not. And as you probably tell, the Internet is NOT happy about this. And if you ask me, I'm with the internet on this one.

These greedy fuckers do not have the best intentions to help you get famous for your videos. All they essentially wanna do is mooch of other people's content by making pointless reaction videos of them. As my friend :icongamekrazd: put it; they basically want to ride the coattails of people's hard work, blood, sweat, and tears. But this goes beyond just riding the coattails. No, they basically want to leech off the life force out of you (i.e. views, hits, and subscribers...and possibly revenue).But it just goes beyond that. They basically want to copyright the word "Reaction". Meaning if any of your vids have the word "reaction" into it; you could be at risk of getting copyright strikes and takedowns. Hell, your chances of those may have doubled at that point!....Hmmmm....a greedy company trying to copyright an already existing word...where have I heard that one before.....I'm looking at you, King; creators of Candy Crush >_>

First of all, how do you put a license on something that:

A.) Was an already existing word since the dawn of fucking time
B.) Was a concept since the very beginning of Youtube's life time!

And make money off of it? Of course there's no reasonable explanation for this! This is the FineBros showing how much of a corporate greedy scumfucks they can be. This benefits no one outside of this idea and can only lead to terrible things. 

And what makes this whole thing terrible is because these guys are taking advantage of Youtube's horribly broken copyright system. In the past, people have been getting copyright strikes and their accounts being suspended for bullshit reasons and Youtube will do fuck all to fix their broken system. What the FineBros did is basically found a loophole to beat this broken system and give themselves immunity of things like copyright strikes while also monetizing other people's videos and make way more money off of them. This is an Abuse of power! 

And I fucking love how they are trying to say that this is going to "Change The World". Listen, I'm going to be a realist here and say that Reaction videos themselves (while there re some exceptions) are a fucking waste of space on youtube. And your telling me this is going to change the world? They are treating this as if Reaction Videos are the second coming of Jesus Christ or is going to feed starving children and give them new homes....I'm sorry, but last time I checked; A douchebag watching a video of a guy shoving fireworks up his ass does not give a starving child a better tomorrow. I'll tell you one thing though, you guys did change something alright. What you changed was my mind on ever watching your shit. But I get it FineBros. I get it. Its fun to watch out of touch old farts look at kids doing dumb things and here them go on a rant about how "Our children of this generation are not what they seem to be and this has proven that we have devolved as a species", or some other 'back in my day' rant; but this is wrong, its stupid, and it only shows how Greedy you fucks are.

So in conclusion, ReactWorld is stupid and the FineBros should be ashamed of themselves. Any hopes I had of ever being fans of their content have fucking sunk and the backlash and hate they have been receiving is definitely well deserved. I do not and will not support this move and neither should you.

So I ask you my fellow soldiers....A Penny For Your Thoughts?
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MrKaosX's avatar
Heh. thunderwolffang is right. they did pull Down their infamous vid because of the backlash. so be happy brian.